Friday, August 5, 2011

Shana vs The Shower

Sometimes I really dislike showering.  Before you say, “ewww”, let it be known that regardless of my occasional hatred I always DO shower.  I don’t like being dirty, hence another of my strong dislikes…camping.  But regardless, sometimes I don’t want to go through the process of bathing. 

There are two main reasons for my sporadic disgust. 

First, there is the fact that I am usually exhausted by the time I get home and need to shower.  I know, showering doesn’t take THAT long, but it takes long enough to make me not want to do it every night. 

Second, it takes me FOREVER to get ready after I shower.  After allowing my hair some air-dry time (because there’s no way I’m going to stand around using a hair-dryer for an additional 30 minutes on my sopping wet hair) I then have to blow-dry it the rest of the way, then straighten it.

 Given, on a night like tonight where Mr. and I will be doing nothing but enjoying a nice, relaxing movie night at home I will forgo the straightening for a quick side-braid, but if I was to be going somewhere tonight the straightening is essential.  Hour minimum, hour and a half max if I’m really paying attention to detail. 

For those who see my pictures and think, “but your hair is already straight”, ha!  I’m glad my flat-ironing skills could fool you!  I have curly hair and not only that but I have A LOT of it and it’s thick!  Lucky me!  I know I’ll love it as I get older and my hair starts falling out because then I will have a normal amount of hair, and I’ll love it when I eventually educate myself enough on hairstyling to do something other than straighten it daily and want it to be curly, but for now it’s just a hassle.

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes showering rocks!  On a super cold winter day it’s the best way to warm up, and after a long day getting sandy at the beach nothing beats it.  But sometimes, today being one of them, I just hate it.

So I’ll shower anyway, because who wants to sleep next to a stinky, post-workout-sweat person all night?  (Not my Mr.)  And I’ll reward myself for all my HARD work with some homemade tortilla soup and a margarita!

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!! It IS a pain!! I completely agree. It's kinda like laundry. Throwing it in a washing machine is fine, it's what you have to do afterward that sucks. First you have to heap the heavy wet clothes into the dryer. Then comes the worst part...folding and putting them away!! Talk about time consuming. I absolutely hate it. Haha!!
