Friday, September 30, 2011

Having without HAVING...

So I have decided I want to have kids.  Those of you who know me will not be all that excited by this revelation because you know I’m very fickle and could change my mind at any moment, but lately the decision of yes/no on kids is toppling towards yes.

I was lucky enough to be surrounded by a few awesome people in Spain who had absolutely amazing kids.  I know I will most likely be the one with the screaming, tantrum-throwing, takes-5-years-to-potty-train children (some call this karma)…but it was nice to see these kids and think, hey, I could do this!  In Spain, however, I didn’t want that.  Mr. and I were being selfish and wanted to take our time to be just us before starting a family of more than just our furry kids.

But now, being back surrounded by our family and friends and their awesome kids who I just adore (and who seem to shockingly adore me too!) I can’t help but think we may be closer to ready than I had thought.

Don’t get me wrong, I still am passionate about traveling and want nothing more than to hop a flight to anywhere new just to see it…but I’m thinking we can start to figure out a way to factor kids in to that dream too.

And again, for those of you who know me and know what our current situation is, you’re probably thinking “great timing Shana”.  In just three weeks you’ll be officially jobless and homeless (well, not homeless…but living in my parents’ house doesn’t exactly qualify us as “living on our own”…).

So I guess I’ll wait…which is good because I’m still trying to figure out the best way to have a kid without actually HAVING a kid.  Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. You'll be great parents and learning to sacrifice and re-prioritize is what being a parent is all about. You'll be teaching them good things while learning to do it yourself and fortunately you have a great support team in place to help you out. Just don't be afraid to ask for help, that's what we're all here for!
