Sunday, April 15, 2012

I am not an RV-er...

Mr. and I are back in California.  450 miles apart, but still...we're both in California.  Mr. is training for his new job up in Pleasanton for the week, making money so we can afford the new house we bought. I'm down in Escondido packing stuff up, getting our Explorer (Gary to those closest) up and running so he can transport me and our stuff back to Arizona, having a girls day to get foot massages and take a cooking class, and getting my hair done.  Clearly we have equally important tasks for the week.

On the way back to Escondido, I spent the first half of my trip RVing with my parents.  We stopped in Yuma, since you have to go slow in an RV, and spent the night last night.  Basically a dirt lot next to what my mom called "the river" (a small canal). 

This night made me realize that I am not an RV-er.  I'm a fly-er and a hotel-er, or when we save up a bit more cash a spa-er. 

There was a woman who lives in a permanent mobile home across the way from where we parked.  She had a tree in her front yard with a bunch of bird feeders and A LOT of birds...I hate birds.

The birds, obviously not sensing my fear, fled when I tried to take their picture.  There are still some birds in the picture however, and I am dubbing this the "crazy bird lady house".

Another gem in the RV park was this display...which I am still debating the reason for...

These bird statues are either having a party or a face-off...

The one thing I did appreciate about my brief stint as an RV-er is that you've always got your refrigerator with you've always got a cold drink at hand.

Enjoying a beer by the "river"...far away from the crazy bird lady house.
Needless to say I took my parents car this morning and drove myself the remaining 3 hours to Escondido.  Lucky too, since their RV broke down and they are having to wait an extra night in Yuma for a repairman tomorrow. 

I hope they last the night next to the crazy bird lady house...I'm going to enjoy the peace and quiet of an empty house!

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