Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pity Party

I’m having one of those days where the only thing that will get me out of this funk is to hop on a plane.

I’m warning you now this is not a funny post…it’s a pity party, so read on at your own risk.

It’s a woe-is-me kind of day.  I feel like I’m stuck in a horrible rut of jobless, homeless, hopelessness.  The venture back into the “real” world has been a rougher transition than I expected…and it’s taking a lot longer to trudge through than I had anticipated.

I miss having our own place…the kind that fits all our stuff and isn’t in my parents driveway.  I miss having money to buy presents for friends and little needs/wants as they come up for ourselves.  (Or the money to go out and "enjoy this time" all our family and friends are telling us to do...easier said than done when you have no income.)  I miss having our “kids” around (and yes, even the demonic cats).  I miss being able to make plans…because who knows where we will be next week, next month, next year (although with the way things are going you may still be able to find us in the MH.)  And more than anything else, I miss traveling.

I have never felt more complete than when I was traveling with Mr..  Nothing gets me to relax like a new place, new food, new experiences…  I feel a bit lost in the “real” world and am not able to figure out the place where I fit. 

I know that it’s temporary, but sometimes (like today) it seems endless.

Lucky for me I’ve got an awesome Uncle who has invited Mr. and I to spend a long weekend touring around LA.  It may not be Italy, but we’ve never actually spent any time in LA itself, so I’m looking forward to being a “I heart LA” shirt wearing tourist for a few days and getting away from this little rain cloud that has situated itself over my head.
And lucky for me I have a roof over my head (even if it is parked outside), clothes on my back, food in my slowly expanding stomach that I need to work on, and family and friends to kick me out of this mood because, hey, I really don't have it THAT bad. 
AND... lucky for me I have Mr...who puts up with this funk even when he's sick.  What a trooper. 

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