Friday, October 21, 2011


So a few days ago Mr. and I were invited to a Foster the People show down at Soma in San Diego.  The band was surprisingly amazing live and the Cults opened and were pretty great as well.  (Reptar also opened, but I was confused by this band.  Mostly because the lead singer had this weird stick-his-tongue-out-while-he-sings thing going on which made him sound like he had just gotten it pierced and it was still swollen…maybe he had?)

Anywho, we’re enjoying the show and having a great time when it dawns on me that I left my purse in the car.  Leaving my purse in the car wasn’t the epiphany itself (I did this on purpose so I wouldn’t have to carry it around all night), but more the fact that my keys were in my purse.  Generally this wouldn’t matter…but we have a Prius. 

For those who have never owned/driven/ridden in/read about the Prius, let me explain.  You don’t need an actual key to start it…you push a power button.  As well, you don’t need a key to open the door, you just put your hand on the door handle and as long as your fancy-keyless-pager-thingy (the technical term) is close enough, voila!  Open door. 

I’ll give you a moment while you put the two and two together…

Get it?  I “locked” my keys in the car…except that the keys being in the car would allow anyone to just open the door, push the power button, and take off.  I pretty much decided to play my own special version of russian roulette with the most expensive thing Mr. and I have ever purchased.

Panic.  That pretty much sums up my state of being the moment I realized this.  We’d already been inside for 2+ hours at this point, and our car was parked in the middle of the Sports Arena parking lot.  As the show was ending, Mr. and I made a break for it…fingers crossed.

Obvilously our car was still there (because if it hadn’t been, I probably wouldn’t be alive to tell this story).  Lucky for me, I had put my purse in the back trunk and it was just far enough away from the front of the car that it wasn’t registering.  No opening the door by the door handle, hence no one could have stolen our car (without force anyway)!  Mr. used his keys to get in and I was officially saved from making the worst mistake of my life.

Definite learning experience for me, and I won’t make that mistake again!  And bonus, learning experience for all of you reading!  Check the door handles to Prius’ when you walk by, because you could just snag yourself a spify new ride!  I can’t be the only idiot who forgets  and leaves my keys in the car, right? 

1 comment:

  1. I don't know about the 2011, but the older models are set up so that you CANNOT lock keys in the car. If your keys are in the car it won't allow you to use the handle to lock/unlock the car, you have to use the button on the key itself. Try it out and make sure yours is the same way. I leave my keys in the car ALL the time and no one can get in unless they had our other key. Toyota is smarter than that. =)
