I am afraid that Mr. and I have become addicted to television. Or, more accurately, I have become addicted to television. We currently tape 22 shows every week…TWENTY TWO! This is including the ones that are currently on the incredibly frustrating hiatus all shows do once or twice a year.
How did I notice this addiction you ask? Probably has something to do with the fact that two of my shows are no longer able to be DVR’d (Tivo’d for you fancy folk) due to me watching too many shows Monday nights. I mean really, who puts all the good shows on Monday night? Spread them out. I have nothing to tape Friday’s and Saturday’s for example; Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s are a little light too.
I think it’s time we turn off the TV and do something… I’ll get on that as soon as we’re employed again and have money to do something. Until then I’ll keep on watching…and hiking in between to feel less sloth-like.
Anyone have any good shows for me to start watching???