I realize that it has only been two days (1 ½ really) since I’ve met my niece Nora, but I’ve come to a conclusion.
I’m not the “favorite” type.
This probably sounds ridiculous, but I’m embracing this revelation and running with it.
I do not know what to do with kids. More specifically, I do not know what to do with babies and toddlers…basically the non-talkers. I don’t know what they like, I don’t know what they want, and I’m not silly enough to make my not-knowing okay.
Mr. is. He is GREAT with kids. It is one of the things I love most about him, and one of the reasons why us having kids isn’t such a scary proposition. He’ll be an amazing dad, and I’ll learn the mom thing as I go along.
So, I’m taking another stab at #30 on my list and I’m going to let it go.
I was talking with Colleen last night and she had mentioned something that stuck out to me. “Kids sense tension”. And it’s true…and I’m tense around kids because I have no clue what I’m doing. So…by letting it go, I’m hoping that #4 will just naturally happen someday without my even trying.
PLUS, I got the first high-five and there has been loads of clapping going on, so I think I’ll just count #4 complete. I may not be THE favorite, but at least she likes me!
If nothing else I’ve still got #10…and when I go to Florida hopefully Nora will be talking and then I’m SURE we’ll hit it off. Because I’m pretty positive that “cool Aunt Shana” is like a fine wine…I get better with age (both mine AND yours).