After finishing up our week in California, we made our way out to Arizona to see the Mr.’s side of the family yesterday. We made it and it only took 6 hours of driving, an additional 30 degrees in temperature (77 in San Diego to 107 in Queen Creek…yuck!), and a quick stop at our FIRST fast food since arriving back in the States; In n Out!
Sitting at the drive thru... |
I finished my fries and about 1/4 of my grilled worth the extra running I'll have to do! |
It was so great to get to Arizona, and even better to see our little girl Rory!!!
So excited to see "daddy"!!! |
The whole family back together again! |
Me and my little girl! |
We shipped her out to LAX and then on to Arizona exactly a month ago and we’ve both missed her so much! I’m so sad about missing a month of her life (I know, ridiculous, she’s a dog…but she’s my kid) and it’s so strange to have these “mommy” feelings about her. She has all these new routines with her “grandparents” and it’s weird to not know any of them yet. I feel so left out of her little life. We had specific routines at our house in Spain and now I’m watching her run around with her cousins Jax and Sam and doing her own thing…she’s all grown up!
She did sleep with us and her brothers last night though, so slowly back to “normal”. I can’t wait to get our own place and have all our kids in one place again so we can start new routines and I can lovingly smother her and have her all to myself again. I’m already such a selfish “mom” with her…I’m afraid of what will happen when we have little human kids! For now I’ll focus on my fuzzy babies and enjoy my couple of weeks here with her!
I'm super hungry and In-N-Out sounds delicious! I may have to treat myself today... and since it's only me it'll be like it's on sale!