Yesterday, thanks to my girls, I got to check off #15 on my 30/30 list. Learn to make homemade ice cream!
For my birthday they bought me an amazing ice cream maker and Ben & Jerry’s Cookbook, and yesterday Mr. and I decided to finally break it out and try the French Vanilla recipe. (Starting off slow to make sure we can do this before we get all fancy.)
It was ridiculously easy and SUPER yummy, and now I’m pretty stoked about making ice cream all the time. In fact, our drinks last night (white sangria) have inspired me to make sangria ice cream! I have a bad feeling that this is going to turn in to a “what-can-I-turn-in-to-ice-cream” adventure, but I’m sure the consequences will be AMAZING!
On a warmer note, I got burn #2 from my fancy 430 degree 2” ceramic curling iron (birthday present from Mr.). I’m finally learning to get the wavy/beachy hair look I’ve been wanting, and I’m also continuing to work on #24 on my list. Such a multi-tasker.
Burn #1 happened the first time I used it on my neck…it wasn’t too bad and just looked like a rather high-school like hickey. This one was on my forehead (at least it’s covered by my bangs) but it looks like nothing more than an amateur hair mistake. Boo. I had used the curling iron a couple times in between and was feeling much better about my skills…this was obviously a false sense of security. Mr. says if I burn myself again he’s taking it away from me. Indian giver.