Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cold & Hot

Yesterday, thanks to my girls, I got to check off #15 on my 30/30 list.  Learn to make homemade ice cream!

For my birthday they bought me an amazing ice cream maker and Ben & Jerry’s Cookbook, and yesterday Mr. and I decided to finally break it out and try the French Vanilla recipe.  (Starting off slow to make sure we can do this before we get all fancy.)

It was ridiculously easy and SUPER yummy, and now I’m pretty stoked about making ice cream all the time.  In fact, our drinks last night (white sangria) have inspired me to make sangria ice cream!  I have a bad feeling that this is going to turn in to a “what-can-I-turn-in-to-ice-cream” adventure, but I’m sure the consequences will be AMAZING!

On a warmer note, I got burn #2 from my fancy 430 degree 2” ceramic curling iron (birthday present from Mr.).  I’m finally learning to get the wavy/beachy hair look I’ve been wanting, and I’m also continuing to work on #24 on my list.  Such a multi-tasker. 

Burn #1 happened the first time I used it on my neck…it wasn’t too bad and just looked like a rather high-school like hickey.  This one was on my forehead (at least it’s covered by my bangs) but it looks like nothing more than an amateur hair mistake.  Boo.  I had used the curling iron a couple times in between and was feeling much better about my skills…this was obviously a false sense of security.  Mr. says if I burn myself again he’s taking it away from me.  Indian giver.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pity Party

I’m having one of those days where the only thing that will get me out of this funk is to hop on a plane.

I’m warning you now this is not a funny post…it’s a pity party, so read on at your own risk.

It’s a woe-is-me kind of day.  I feel like I’m stuck in a horrible rut of jobless, homeless, hopelessness.  The venture back into the “real” world has been a rougher transition than I expected…and it’s taking a lot longer to trudge through than I had anticipated.

I miss having our own place…the kind that fits all our stuff and isn’t in my parents driveway.  I miss having money to buy presents for friends and little needs/wants as they come up for ourselves.  (Or the money to go out and "enjoy this time"...as all our family and friends are telling us to do...easier said than done when you have no income.)  I miss having our “kids” around (and yes, even the demonic cats).  I miss being able to make plans…because who knows where we will be next week, next month, next year (although with the way things are going you may still be able to find us in the MH.)  And more than anything else, I miss traveling.

I have never felt more complete than when I was traveling with Mr..  Nothing gets me to relax like a new place, new food, new experiences…  I feel a bit lost in the “real” world and am not able to figure out the place where I fit. 

I know that it’s temporary, but sometimes (like today) it seems endless.

Lucky for me I’ve got an awesome Uncle who has invited Mr. and I to spend a long weekend touring around LA.  It may not be Italy, but we’ve never actually spent any time in LA itself, so I’m looking forward to being a “I heart LA” shirt wearing tourist for a few days and getting away from this little rain cloud that has situated itself over my head.
And lucky for me I have a roof over my head (even if it is parked outside), clothes on my back, food in my slowly expanding stomach that I need to work on, and family and friends to kick me out of this mood because, hey, I really don't have it THAT bad. 
AND... lucky for me I have Mr...who puts up with this funk even when he's sick.  What a trooper. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Arrowhead Getaway

This weekend Mr. and I went up to my family’s cabin in Lake Arrowhead.  We wanted to spend my birthday weekend away, and, lucky us, my parents okayed us to take our first solo trip as a special getaway!  Even more lucky, my girls and their Mr.’s were able to join us too!

It was such a great weekend, and an awesome end to birthday week!  We drank, ate TONS of food, played games, and just hung out.  A perfect weekend if you ask me.  AND, bonus to the multiple bonuses so far, my girls got me an ice cream maker and a Ben & Jerry’s cook book…so #15 is well on the way to being checked off my 30/30 list!

Here’s a quick recap of Arrowhead Getaway 2012:

-          Park on the right, even if you don’t think the neighbors will show up.

-          Popov is not the best vodka, however it is incredibly fun to say in a Russian accent…made even more fun by consuming Popov first.

-          Bread is good for feeding both ducks and friends who have consumed too much Popov.

-          Mr. P gets the biggest fork…always.

-          If you send boys to buy ice, they will buy A LOT of ice.

-          Although the IPhone weather app clearly states the weather will be sunny and 70…it will more likely be 30 and freezing with a few flakes of snow.

-          Identity theft and caterpillars both translate into cocoons…at least they do when playing Telestrations.

-          Nothing beats getting away from the world for a week with friends who you can be your ridiculous self with, in pajamas and no makeup.

Proof of an awesome weekend...pajamas, no makeup, and snow!

Birthday week 28…the end! 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

3 Types of People...

I haven’t had much of interest to blog about since the New Year.  I went to a hockey game…but seeing as that there were NO gloves-off-throw-down-fights I figured it wasn’t exactly blogworthy.

But yesterday, on my 28th birthday, I came to a profound realization that I figured I should share with you younger folk and the older ones who aren’t quite as wise as I am. 

 I realized that there are three types of people in this world…and even more profound, I figured out which of the three I am.

Types of people:

Type 1 – Find a spider in the shower while showering, kill it, wash it down the drain.  I like to think of these people as brave problem solvers.

Type 2 – Find a spider in the shower while showering, watch it carefully while continuing to shower, finish showering and find someone to kill spider for you.  Not quite as brave as type 1, but still something to brag about in my book.

Type 3 – Find a spider in the shower while showering, jump out of the shower…getting water all over the floor, call for immediate help.  After said spider is for sure dead, and drain is checked to make sure spider has been properly disposed of, cautiously continue your shower.

I’d like to say I’m Type 1…but I think anyone who knows me would clearly pin me as Type 3.  They would be correct. 

I’d like to point out, however, that the spider was HUGE and clearly poisonous…and it looked at me funny…like it was going to pounce or something. 

Being brave was never on my 30/30 list anyhow.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year Resolution!

Hello 2012!  Everyone have their New Year resolutions ready?

Although I’m sure there are many things I SHOULD resolve to do this year, I have only one that I am making my priority.

Celebrate 2013 in style. 

Yep, that’s it.  And I don’t mean wearing Prada. 

Last night, Mr. and my bro and sis-in-law celebrated New Years together.  Although I had a great time and love getting to spend some family time with the in-laws, it wasn’t exactly our most glamorous of New Years celebrations.

That being said, it wasn’t our least glamorous either.  I’m pretty sure that award would go to our first New Years in Spain, where we decided to stay home and watch the ball drop together only to have the cable go out at 11:59 and 55 seconds.  No joke.

Last night was definitely better than that.  We started off the evening with some beers and food at Buffalo Wild Wings…never disappointing.  Then we headed to the movies to see New Years Eve, fitting no?  When we got out of the movie at 10PM, we boycotted the original plan to head over to Tempe to see the Chip Drop.  (This deserves some explanation.  I must admit, I’m bummed that I missed what I’m sure was a glorious way to ring in 2012.  100,000+ Arizonians gather together to watch a giant metal tortilla chip, with mirrors on it to represent salt of course, drop into a giant jar of salsa.  Genius!)  Instead, we headed to Walmart, clearly the second best option…grabbed some beers and headed home.  After lighting sparklers with the nephews, we rang in the New Year drinking beer and playing Apples to Apples…with a slight pause at 11:59 to watch the NYC ball drop.

So, not glamorous, but fun.  But NEXT year, resolution #1 will be upheld.  Whether it’s flying to NYC, San Francisco, New Orleans, or just driving down to the Gaslamp Quarter in San Diego…next year Mr. and I will be out on the town celebrating 2013 the way every alcohol and party planning company intended!

Hope everyone had a safe and fun New Years Eve!  Happy 2012!